Welcome to Lindero Canyon Middle School
Our teachers and staff ensure students receive an exceptional and inspiring educational experience, preparing them for high school by fostering high academic values and challenging them to become lifelong learners with creative problem solving skills. Our teachers are continuously developing innovative, inspirational curricula and approach teaching with appropriately challenging instruction intended to help our students prepare for a rapidly changing world. Administration, teachers, parents, and our community all work together on our “whole child” approach, not only preparing students to be academically successful, but guiding them to become effective communicators, critical thinkers, and well-rounded individuals. Along with academic achievement, fostering self-worth and self-image to maintain healthy peer relationships is critical, so when students leave Lindero they have not only the tools they need to be successful high school students, but have cherished middle school memories where they remember being treated with respect and kindness.
Latest News
Meals are free again this school year.
Now Enrolling!
Damage insurance is available for LVUSD laptops ($49/year). Purchase before an accident happens! (by Oct 1st)