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Lindero Canyon Middle School

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What is CAT?

CAT, which stands for Cougar Achievement Time, is a twenty-minute period, four days a week during Period 3, designed to meet the academic needs of each individual student.  During enrollment periods, students will enroll or be enrolled in a variety of academic or enrichment options.  Some students will be enrolled in an academic class by their teachers based on assessed needs; others will have the option to choose a CAT enrichment course. Students with a D or F in a class will be assigned an academic CAT.  Academic teacher assignments take priority over all other options. 

How Do I Sign Up for CAT?

Students will get an email in their student email account from the Counseling Office to complete a Google Form approximately two weeks prior to the start of the new CAT. During CAT, teachers will ask students to complete the Google form with their first-, second- and third-choice options. Students will be allowed to go in and change their answers up until the date the Google form is set to close. If a student would like to change their mind about an option selected after that time, they can come to the Counseling Office.

How will Students Know When to Start the Next CAT?

Students begin to get daily announcements in their Homeroom for several days prior to the start of the new CAT. CAT class changes always happen on a Tuesday so that a big, final reminder announcement can go out on the Monday before the new CAT starts. Parents will receive communications about the CAT change in the Friday night Cougar Chronicles emailed through ParentSquare. And, finally, the Marquee sign outside of the school will post the date the new CAT will begin.

Student Questions About CAT 

Students should come to the Counseling office with any questions about CAT before or after school, or at lunch.  They may also email their Counselor - (A-L) Bobbie Johnson ( or (L-Z) Rochelle Gagliardi (

CAT Enrichment Descriptions

Please follow this link to view the Enrichment CAT Class Descriptions:

Link to CAT Enrichment Descriptions