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Lindero Canyon Middle School

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Cougar Club


Cougar Club is a reward system to recognize academic achievement and good citizenship. Every school year, students begin their year with 100 Cougar Points. As long as a student earns all As and Bs, has no Ns or Us in their citizenship marks, and maintains 100 points, they will become a member of the Cougar Club.

Citizenship Marks

All students receive a citizenship mark in each class on each 10-week report card. Codes include:
  • O: Outstanding
  • S: Satisfactory
  • N: Needs improvement
  • U: Unsatisfactory

Profile of an "O" student is defined by having behavior above and beyond "satisfactory." In an effort for parents/legal guardians to better understand citizenship grades, the following explanation is provided. An "O" student is one who meets or exceeds all school/class rules and expectations. In addition, an "O" student is:

  • Positive in attitude toward teachers and classmates
  • Helpful to others
  • Participates regularly in a positive way
  • Focused on learning rather than socializing
  • Self-directed, taking initiative
  • Responsible, conscientious and respectful

A student receiving a "U" does on or all of the following on a frequent basis:

  • Interferes with the learning process
  • Does not follow class rules
  • Is disrespectful and/or dishonest in dealing with others
  • Is a negative participant or refuses to participate in class

Cougar Point System

Those students who cannot follow school rules and are sent to the Assistant Principal's office for a discipline issue may lose points. Points are deducted for the following reasons: 

  • Tardiness: 1-3 points
  • Lunch behavior: 1-3 points
  • Letter to parent/legal guardian: 1-3 points
  • Assistant principal referral: 1-5 points
  • Saturday Work Program: 4 points per day
  • Suspension: 5 points per suspension day

Any loss of points must be made up within the month to be able to get back to 100. If a student fails to meet this deadline, they can still make up the points, but it will only be recorded as no more than 99 points. At that time, the student will no longer be eligible for Cougar Club.

Additionally, any students whose Cougar Points total falls below 90 will be declared "ineligible" and will not be allowed to participate in various school and co-curricular activities such as electing student body offices, assemblies, field trips, dances, special events, intramurals, and year-end activities including: culmination, yearbook assembly, and dance. Ineligible students attending any assemblies, activies, or coming on campus during a school-sponsored program/dance may result in suspension. 

It is the student's responsibility to know his/her point total. Through voluntary services that is approved by the school, students can earn back points to regain eligibility. Points may be earned by:

  • Working with a teacher/staff member
  • School service hours
  • Campus clean-up at lunch with prior approval by an administrator
  • Any other appropriate accepted school service approved by the administration

These hours must be served before school, during lunch, or after school with prior permission of the supervising staff member. Forms are available in the Assistant Principal's office and must be initiated by the student. The administration has the ultimate discretion to exclude students from activities regardless of point status.